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Domain is on IP Number: Server content last refreshed: 2017-07-13

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Current location of Dsfmacyschallenge.com host was found to be: San Jose, United States. Lower down this page is a map and more details of Dsfmacyschallenge.com location. We think our information is right, but if you think otherwise then send us a message about it.

  Dsfmacyschallenge.com Main Page Headings

Title: DSF - Macy's Shop for a Cause | DRAVET SYNDROME FOUNDATION INC's Fundraiser
Description: Dravet syndrome is a rare and intractable form of epilepsy that begins in epilepsy, with an estimated incidence rate of 1:16,000-21,000. Patients suffer from frequent and multiple seizure types. Seizures are frequently prolonged and require emergency intervention. Dravet syndrome impacts every moment of every day for patients who suffer with it. In addition to seizures, there are many associated health issues such as difficulty with gait, sleep, digestion, as well as behavioral and developmental delays.  Current treatment options are limited, and the constant care required for someone suffering from Dravet syndrome can severely impact the patient’s and the family’s quality of life. Patients with Dravet syndrome face a 15-20% mortality rate due to SUDEP (Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy), prolonged seizures, seizure-related accidents such as drowning, and infections.  Research for a cure offers patients and families hope for a better quality of life for their loved ones.  The mission of Dravet Syndrome Foundation (DSF) is to aggressively raise research funds for Dravet syndrome and related epilepsies; to increase awareness of these catastrophic conditions; and to provide support to affected individuals and families.   DSF has awarded over $3.3M in research grant awards and over $130K in patient assistance grants. This has happened only because of our generous supporters and community. Please help us continue the important work we do!

  Website Speed

Dsfmacyschallenge.com html load speed of the main page is 1.55 seconds. This is a good result, but there might be things that you want to improve or fix. Scroll down for the list of urls of useful tools to monitor an analyze Dsfmacyschallenge.com.

  Dsfmacyschallenge.com Location

Country of Origin: United States
Metropolitan Zone: San Jose
Post or Zip Code: 95141
Latitude: 37.3388
Longitude: -121.8914

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