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Domain is on IP Number: 2400:cb00:2048:1::6812:2545 Server content last refreshed: 2017-04-28

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Current location of I-britain.com host was found to be: Columbus, United States. Lower down this page is a map and more details of I-britain.com location. We think our information is right, but if you think otherwise then send us a message about it.

  I-britain.com Main Page Headings

Title: Shopping With a Purpose
Description: A popular buzz word in business and psychology circles lately is purpose. I whole heatedly agree with the need for purpose in these situations, but I like to take it a bit further.... I even extend purpose into shopping. Whether I'm buying new clothes, looking for a vehicle, or even just grocery shopping, I like to think about purpose. How will that item serve me if I buy it? How does the purchase affect my budget? Is the shopping experience adding joy to my life? These are the type of questions I ask myself. If you want to live a more purpose driven life, let's start with something we all do: shopping. For tips, ideas and inspiration, explore my posts.
H1: Shopping With a Purpose
H2: How to Pack for a Trip to the Beach

  Website Speed

I-britain.com html load speed of the main page is 0.14 seconds. This is a good result, but there might be things that you want to improve or fix. Scroll down for the list of urls of useful tools to monitor an analyze I-britain.com.

  I-britain.com Location

Country of Origin: United States
Metropolitan Zone: Columbus
Post or Zip Code: 28722
Latitude: 35.2532
Longitude: -82.1971

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