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Hostname of Jeffyart.com: domaincontrol.com

Domain is on IP Number: Server content last refreshed: 2016-04-26

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Current location of Jeffyart.com host was found to be: Ashburn, United States. Lower down this page is a map and more details of Jeffyart.com location. We think our information is right, but if you think otherwise then send us a message about it.

  Jeffyart.com Main Page Headings

Title: The Art of Jeff Schutte
Description: An online portfolio showcasing the art of the illustrator, Jeff Schutté. His creative skills range from traditional illustration , graphic design and product design. Picture it: The year is 1979. At the dawn of a new day, Jeff was born in an Arizona hospital. He grew up in the sleepy suburbs of rural New Jersey where he spent a great deal of his childhood watching Saturday morning cartoons, reading comic books, playing video games, and living in his inner imaginary world.His wise mother convinced him to take a chance and leave his comfort zone by attending the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, where he received a BFA in traditional illustration.After graduating in 2004, he began a long journey into the work force. Since then his worked has ranged from graphic design to product illustration. However, he always returns to the first love of his life: fantasy and science fiction inspired illustration.When he's not being a complete shut in, he enjoys cooking, reading, traveling and on the lookout for buying an awesome pair of cowboy boots!
H3:   This is the online portfolio of Jeff Schutté. His media ranges from traditional to digital, with experience in fine art, illustration, graphic

  Website Speed

Jeffyart.com html load speed of the main page is 0.3 seconds. This is a good result, but there might be things that you want to improve or fix. Scroll down for the list of urls of useful tools to monitor an analyze Jeffyart.com.

  Jeffyart.com Location

Country of Origin: United States
Metropolitan Zone: Ashburn
Post or Zip Code: 20149
Latitude: 39.0481
Longitude: -77.4728

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